Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Return

been a few years ... if you missed me my apologies... here are some pieces of work for your enjoyment


Deep submersion of thought, contemplating so many meanings; lost in a void, absent from all feelings; allowing the mind to freely wander and explore, becoming wiser; no longer reckless, enhancing my abilities, a bit finer; opportunities are endless in this place devoid of time; allowing for endless expression of imagination, my artistic Rhyme .

 Her physique so unique, I've only seen within my dreams; a true goddess in my eyes, so perfect to me it seems; that I've finally met the one, my physical counterpart; she compliments my flaws, a phenomenal piece of art; beyond the physical level, her mind alone, so sublime; my heart is so content because I know that she's all mine; I wonder if this is some joke, some tactic against me i start to dwell; to weaken me with her presence, which has worked so well; to be mesmerized by her being, comes to me as no surprise; where she came from is unknown, just appearing in front of my eyes; what am I to do, so conflicted within; do I fall for this Egyptian queen, is this such an easy win? something's amiss, I can feel it in my bones; my mental self notices I'm stuck in an strange zone; hypnotized into thinking I've found my place of bliss; elated by the thought of receiving this woman's kiss; I finally wake up by Myself, this empty bed; causing my heart once again to become so cold, lifeless, dead; the dream felt so real I almost felt it was true; that I finally met that girl and her name...... Well.... It was you.

  As time passes, our lives have been altered; yet my feelings for you have never faltered ; we fell out pretty hard, no longer seeing eye to eye; but I just can't stop loving you, no matter how hard I try; you warmed a piece of my heart, that was once so cold and desolate; every bit of sadness I had, your love once replaced it; but you said to leave you be, that we could no longer be as one; the precious moments we shared I was to forget, as if we had no fun; abiding by your last request, I try to replace those precious thoughts of us; meeting new people as I journey,I felt was a must; in order to forget you, one I felt was most important to me; half a year has passed and i only feel partially free; for no matter how much enjoyment I find, or amazing people I meet; you still hold that piece of my heart so I can never be complete.


  If I'm in love how do I know; they say true love can't be explained so how does it show; what type of feeling is it that passes through; and when it hits, tell me what does your body do? Is it narcotic to the core,an intense feeling inside ; an arousing sensation, that's oh so divine; I'm lost in this perplexity that is the explanation of love; maybe it's a gift bestowed upon us from the man above; contemplating different meanings that could help me relate; to the feeling of being in love, makes me wonder if it's my fate; to forever wander In this world, wondering when my turn will come; to finally become complete, guess it's sooner than later for some; maybe I'm a late bloomer, since I haven't found the one; keeping hope becomes harder but i know I'm not done; I'll continue to hold faith that she's out there for me; the woman in which I'll love, the soulful connection we're destined to be.


 Temptation has me surrounded, caught me while my guard was down; strength is put to the test, so much lust around, I might drown; in the passion of this moment my vision is blurred; all I see is darkness, evil's presence has lured; me to the dark side, Jedi powers have vanished; contemplating who can help but the area is ravaged; so empty, desolate all there is me; no shield or sword for this knight all I see; in the distance is a figure, so faint, so bright; finally love and hope has arrived in my sights ; just have to hold on , have to be strong ; only moments before my savior arrives, it won't be long; desperate to catch me, the evil, temptation calls for assistance; wrath and envy now emerge, now closing the distance; I try to yell for help but nothing comes out; silenced by my assailants, no longer able to shout; eyes becoming heavy as I struggle to maintain; my light is feigning away no matter how hard I strain; to keep them open, just a bit longer I keep telling myself; the time has come light or dark which will win, the battle within oneself; is a constant struggle in which the outcome is unsure ; am I borderline demonic shall I become one of the impure; or shall I maintain whatever innocence remain ,what's my cure.

Psy battle

 A Mental battle ensues as we question each other, wondering what we'll find ;anticipating your next actions, things running through your mind ;guessing not an option and assumptions won't due; solutions through deductions are my only options with you; it's so true, that the feelings that I have had with you are so unique ; such a beautiful women, mind body and soul unified , complete . But I'm discreet as I let her know that she is the one for me, subtle treats to let her know how important she is to me; finding the words the say it best is muy difĂ­cil ;speaking spanish isn't helping either this feeling has to be illegal, I have to give it time, thought to find what I need ; at this moment my brain is so exhausted it needs to feed; mental power is getting weaker as we keep this battle going ; in the end ill victorious since this feeling is what I've been longing; I know we're meant to be something tells me in my gut; just need patience, determinations and to release myself from this mental rut.

Finding meaning

Longing for that true meaning, of perpetual happiness, spiritual healing, this loneliness is killing me from deep within i get weaker each day, so mentally spent but i must endure until i find the truth my purpose in life, what am I meant to do. my goals are in sight but is that my true desire my soul is empty no drive no fire to keep going and progressing, becoming better in this void of despair, endless depression but this path i must walk until i find my way, searching each and everyday until i can truly say that I'm content, happy with where i am the person i have become, man in which i truly am holding on the tiny bits of faith that remain inside will keep me strong as i hurt so much on the inside.  


 living through chaos and despair, depressed because of thoughts that won't disappear its like driving a nail through my temple how could falling for her have been so simple I can't tell if its love or am i just lonely? no clue but i know that its her i need here laying by my side the comfort of her being keeps me warm inside i wish i could just express to her my true nature that i want to give her whatever makes her happy just to see her smile makes this giant sappy but i don't care because pleasing her is all that matters just the fact that she acknowledged me has me flattered but i digress since that was in the past now I'm invisible she no longer sees i exist which kills me, my soul yearns to be with hers intertwined in vines of love her heart touching mine I'm cursed with the burden of having fallen in love with a woman who sees me no longer how can i survive or move on I'm still figuring out all i can do it keep living hoping answers come about.