Monday, May 17, 2010

my poems (old)

here are my old Poems i have written...they start from 3 years ago so no judging.... im new to this i shall start my poetry back up along with a few other incites to life... comment as u see fit.. welcome to my blog

Yea ummm....i was bored in chemistry class so i wrote a poem and my friend said it was nice so it goes:

roses are red
Violets are blue
I cant think of words
to describe how i love you;
Your being is phenominal
Far surpass incredible
Everytime i see your face
i forever find myself gazing
Your mind is universal
filled wit vast sectors of knowledge
and every idea that is produces
further compliments your wisdom
You are my second half
you link my mind body and soul
So until the day i find you
I shall never be whole......

as each day passes
I become more perplexed
each sunrise bringing more opportunities
and with each sunset more failures
but each failed attempt at success is enlightening
and with enlightenment comes great wisdom
because instead of living in past regrets
i must learn from them and becom stronger
never allowing myself to become physically or mentally unstable
trying my hardest to overcome every failed attempt at success
hiding my weakness from others the best i can
while displaying my strengths to over-shadow them
so i continue to live my life as an athlete
as well as a technician
to show off my strengths
while hiding those weaknesses deep within
I train and train to be the trackstar everyone wants me to be
and work and work to be the technician everyone expects me to be
but as i strive to accomplish these stressful tasks
one question remains on top in the deepest vector of my mind
is this really worth it?
Is all the working and slaving and training to please every friend really making me happy?
Am i destined to be one who works hard just to please others while constantly forgetting to keep myself happy?
lurking in the shadows of life while the rest of the world moves this the path that i have chosen?
when my time on Earth ends will i just fade away in the memories of those i thought were dear to me?
As each day passes
I become more perplexed
as these question race across my mind
every hour of every day

yea i cant realli think of a proper title right now but i wrote it in a cold as car drivin to a track meet...

One step foward
three steps back,
whenever i see the finish
I fall three steps back,
No matter how much i strive
it seems barely enough to survive,

Any situation that arises
I seem ready for the challenge,
Thats my initial thought
as each problem comes my way,
But as time progresses on
my mind begins to weaken and stray,
in an eternity of idleness
never destined to change;

Placed in a complex equation
filled with a city of variables,
as a lonely constant
never destined to change;

Can this be it?
is this all im meant to be?
I cannot accept this
It cannot be the world meant for me,
So its time to make a change
time for me to become a vaiable,
but not like the rest
one independent of others,
a variable solely dependent on itself;

One step foward
Three steps back,
Whenever i see the finish
i no longer fall three steps back,
because instead of falling behind
i step foward and fly,
Finally exsposing the wings
that were hidden on my back.


i just wrote it cuz i was bored.. if i tagged you i please dont feel any type of way if it doesnt apply to you .....

an eternal darkness
a body without its soul
this is life without my best
the component that makes my being whole;

It may seem like we disagree
like our bodies arent compatible
but if you look inside you'll see
that this woman is just right for me;

People spread rumors to amongst each other
about our checkered past
but we sit and laugh at one another
becuase those rumors never last;

We become jealous without a doubt
but its merely the fear of seperation
so we perform imprudent actions
out of fear and desperation;

For those who are reading this
and can relate or feel some type of way
then perhaps you should listen to your heart
and hear what it has to say;

Because it may be a possibility
that you may have found one right for you
and if you are anything like me
you have no clue what to do

this is called mystification


here are a few short poems i wrote in my phone...

You been with me from the start,
Always advising me what’s right.
You been with me through it all,
Never letting me fall.
You give me hope when all is lost,
When I can no longer believe.
Every time you come around,
I feel there is nothing I can’t achieve.
Your friendship to me is priceless,
One I value most.
Even though we are only friends,
I care about you most.
TRUE FRIEND by Brandon Jones

This is one amazing woman,
To keep my eyes only on her.
To keep my mind guessing must be her style,
Cause I never met anyone quite like her.
She is just so beautiful,
An eternal picture in my mind.
I can’t wait to get to know her,
Even though I know I have to give it more time.
The truth is that I caught feelings,
Something I just don’t do.
That’s why she must be so special,
And why I cant get her out of mind.
She called me her number 1,
And I hoped that her words were true.
Because the truth of the matter is,
She’s my number 1 too.
#1 by Brandon Jones

What is this feeling that’s coming over me?
Its too strange to describe.
It only occur when she’s around,
A dark tunnel ending with this bright light.
What is this strange feeling?
It makes me feels so good.
Its so hard to explain,
Not easily understood.
What is this strange feeling?
I have to decide between two,
Is this mere infatuation,
Or can this be more,
Can you feel it to?
CONFUSION by Brandon Jones

All of this pain and pressure,
Why is it resting solely on me?
It feels like everyone’s hopes and dreams all depend on me.
This is too much for one human to bear so why can I withstand it?
Perhaps I am different,
Maybe I am more than just a man?
I was born with a vast amount of gifts,
Things people would kill to obtain.
This may be why its feels all hopes and dreams rest on me.
At first I couldn’t accept it,
I wanted to live as a normal stresses,
A normal life.
But I come to accept who I am,
A being of special breed.
I have come to accept the superman I was meant to be.
HERO by Brandon Jones

The body begins to act out the erotic visions from the mind.
Temperatures begin to rise,
Bodies become aroused,
Intercourse is then ensued,
The love that has been made is sublime.
One body begins to succumb to the passion of the other,
Causing love juices to leak out,
Ever so sweet,
Oh so fine.
Seconds turn to minutes,
Minutes turn to hours,
Time is now lost as our bodies continue to intertwine in a sexual eruption.
Pleasure is absolute,
Our bodies are satisfied,
Yet exhausted.
The erotic vision of the mind has become real,
Now is the time to for rest,
As I hold on to your perfect body.
FANTASY by Brandon Jones

Thinking about life and he way things are going,
So I start to write my life away,
As if to keep the river of life flowing,
And if my hand ever stops writing my mind will keep going;
Cause its filled with vast knowledge,
Like a black hole,
Absorbing all information.
Call me sage, omniscient, ever knowing.
Skills that I acquire continue to nourish my body,
Like a mother natures her child.
Hiding my true nature to the world,
Is how it has to be.
For if anyone were to discover the truth then life would become to troublesome for someone such as I.
But lately it has become quite the bother,
Very hard to bear.
To continue to hide these gifts that I feel I should share.
This conflict has me perplexed, in a twisted vine within in my mind.
Should I hide or reveal? What should I do? This once all-knowing being, actually has no clue.
Im tearing myself apart, ripping my mind and body to shreds,
Time to awaken from this pipedream,
Time to arise from my bed
PIPEDREAM by Brandon Jones

this poem is kinda old but i just found it so i posted it...

THings were going so well
thought that nothing could go wrong
then heaven turns to hell
the of a perfect song

My mind ends up dazed
in a state of absolute bewilderment
because situations alter so sudden
and all i am able to do is vent

Confusion is the bet suited term
to accurately describe my state of mind
any other word would seem to appear to vague
to express how i feel about this problem leaves me in a bind

Well i guess i have no choice
time to return to the man i used to know
on whose heart had become cold blooded and sad
so that everyone will leave me alone

Or perhaps that is not the answer
maybe thats a bit too severe
perhaps i should look deep inside
for the remedy so that i may persevere


i was i started thinkin... lemme kno how you like it

Tis' the end to another year
moving on to the summer.
Friends reunite once more
then depart home and i just wonder
how does it feel to be so far away,
from a place you lived for so long?
how does it feel once you return,
after a year of being gone.
Things can't feel the same,
something must have changed.
neighbors come and go,
friends leave so returns feel strange.
Even home doesnt feel like home,
merely a vacation from school.
your room no longer your room,
just a place to chill, be cool.
The things you did when you were younger
no longer appeal to you.
finding new forms of entertainment seems
like the only way to make it through.
Work feels like an necessity ,
so that you can prepare for your return back.
experiences from past years tell you
that money is something that you can not lack.
the trip you waited so long to take back
ends up feeling awkward.
Instead of being excited about being home
everything seems backwards
Emotions you had about returning home
have faded without your knowledge,
They now start building up about
returning to see your friends back home at college.



THis poem was dedicated to someone special to me but i been postin my poems so i just wanna see how other people like it i guess... dont ask who the person was lol

you are my shining star
in the dimmest of nights
your the engine to my car
the lift-off to my flight

you are one amazing woman
in body mind and soul
nothing that you cant withstand
because you seem to remain in control

An incredible alpha female
A woman leader of your pack
Independent woman that never fails
nothing visible that you lack

I wrote this poem for you
to express exactly how i feel
because i lack the courage to say
the vital things that i need to tell you

This poem beats any card
because it came straight from the depths of my heart
So i continue to hope and pray
That i can successfully make your day worthwhile.

usted me quiere decir tanto y lamento estropear una cosa buena que yo podrĂ­a haber tenido

-HUMBLE MERCHANT (brandon Jones)


who is this on my Mind?
a person I can never forget
who is this female inside my head?
she has to be special to me thats a fact.
from the way she ruNs her race
to that beAutiful smile on her lil face
she must be the woman for me
none other can take her place
but why are things so complicated?
why must it be so troUblesome?
all that Should matter is Her and i,
anyone else shOuld matter none.
i feel as if i lost her,
becaUse she begins to assume and doubt,
when alL she haD to do is talk to me
no matter if she screams or shouts.
if she only knew how much i cared aBout her,
then maybE things would be fine.
But When i try to express my feelings,
she acts as If i crossed the line.
If i could show her in person how much i value her,
i'd hold her precious body in my arms and speak from my hearT
praying that tHings will go right.
I hope writing this poem can help clarify things and make them right,
this woman means so much to ME,
as important as a plant needs sunlight



Three words can describe
the person that i am.
this is the way i want to be seen,
the being in which i wish to be.
Three words can describe me,
that can describe how i acquire,
the skills and knowledge that allows me to rise higher
Three words that can describe me,
as a poet and athlete,
there is no being that i feel can compete.
three words best describe me,
can be express in espanol o ingles,
representing both of my heritages to express,
the man i am percieved to be.
Three words that describe me
you'll have to translate to understand.
Tres palabras que mejor me describen
son destinado, determinado, y experto ested ve.


I can's believe im addicted,
I think i need a patch.
Stronger than nicotine,
Feels like im on crack.
I cant get enough of it
i need it more and more.
It has to be some drug
becuase necesity is greater than before.
When did i take this drug?
Did someone slip it into my drink
The addiction first occured around her,
causing me to reach the brink,
of disaster and pain,
This addiction is drivin me insane.
If I cant overcome this,
then I'll end up destroying my brain.
This drug is new to all,
because noone has ever heard of the symptoms.
If there ever was a cure
I really need to get some.
I think i understand now,
It seems i wasnt drugged after all.
This female is the source,
in which my addiction comes from.



The time has come
no time to look back.
The final moment has arrived,
confidence is not something i lack.
So many people around,
but i cant lose focus now.
Just gotta clear my mind and relax,
let my body show me how;
to do wat I need to do to accomplish my goal.
The last chance to show this world how determined I am,
How far and high this jumper can go.
I just cant be swayed,
by the emotions in my mind.
I have to stay strong,
Physically and mentally sound.
Unaware of all weakness,
they are of little concern.
Thinking of every past mistake,
each helping me to learn.
How to become a better being,
a man endowed with wisdom.
once this task is over,
my body will be able to rest with more freedom.
But now is not the time to think of the feeling of bliss i'll have.
Now is the time to prove to the world,
what kinda athlete i am.
Now is the time to focus,
no longer in a mental jam.
Time to place these spikes on my feet and attempt to reach the sky.
Running down this lonely runway,
once more spreading my elegant wings to fly.



Everyday requires more concentration to get her off my mind
trying to hide it deep inside, so that none may find'
out the truth that i cant get over you
And i just cant accept that you are over me too boo.
you treat me worse than others now, i guess to run me away
No longer keeping in contact as if you've gone astray
others may have left showing you that their feelings weren't true;
but i continue to stand my ground just to prove to you,
that how i feel about you will never waver, stagger, or fade.
They just cant simply go away.
i know you feel this way deep inside and baby its okay.
you dont have to let me kno because i will be able to tell always.
dont feel pressured or rushed baby take your time,
I'll be here for you when you need me, trust it will be fine.
Whatever decision you choose I'll remain your buddy to the end.
If you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to im here to lend a hand,
even though i wanna be your man,
I'll always remain your friend



So Phillippe said to write some more stuff..ya kno spoken word/rhyme type stuff but i need feedback before i do anythin crazy so let me kno wat ya tink and be honest..

In deep though about what to do next
constantly pondering,eternally perplexed
like I'm caught inside a hex, a devilish curse
thinking of the right move before it gets worse
my mind is shambles, strained, overused
feels like i overdosed, call it mental abuse
guess i have no choice but to go with the flow
be patient as my body recovers, and grows
which makes me even stronger
performing even longer
setting new records, but what is this hunger?
This strange feelings that's come over me
Call me a vampire, i have to feed
overcome by this eerie desire
this strange, comforting, passionate fire
has me exploring, looking for treasure
like I'm searching for some type of pleasure
wandering around for whats right
is driving me insane, i just might
lose my mind, strain my brain once more
causing me to have to close the door
and end this search for what i yearn
what makes my body develop and learn
I'm searching to hard, just gotta chill
the thing I've been lookin for is right here
In front of my eyes, in this place of serenity
finally reaching this spot of tranquility

be honest wit ya feedback...i need all i can get....


this poem really isnt in order and doesnt make much sense....but i wrote it sooo.....

An unique intellectual
one who observes all things.
Analyzing each situations,
uncovering the truth like its nothing.
A being who knows no bounds,
an generally skilled man all around.
Humble Merchant the lifestyle i live by,
but sky ninja is the name because of my ability to jump high.
A perfect gentlemen in all aspects,
one who respects and understands most women.
but even with these gifts to share i only want to be with one woman.
She seems to be almost perfect in my eyes,
So i feel that she must be the one for me.
I try to keep her happy but i fail so miserably,
this one has to be mystic because she has placed a spell on me.
Even though it seems im under her spell,
It appears she doesnt acknowledge me at all.
i guess she figures she has me to herself
so she can do watever she wishes and i will remain like her little pet
The sad truth is that she is gone,
Moved on in her life.
She left without me noticing
i felt that was not right
no informing me she left,
why she should be alone.
my mind is in shambles,
trapped in a isolated dark zone;
of anarchy and discord,
causing my mind to become weary and distort.
all things become uncertain and i begin to write just cause.
i guess the final conclusion is that my mind is just lost.


Cosmic power, mythical abilities
an untainable dream, now I'm back to reality
better than average, but not quite the best
continuous strive to be on top, my ultimate test
a battle that ensues, both mentally and physically
constantly pushing my mind and body to the limits of their abilities

At Times it feels as if i cant go on, but i still continue
telling myself i got this far, that I'm nowhere near through
exceeding my limits, doing spectacular things
classifies me as on phenominal being

The Top is getting closer now, within my eyesight
my wings are gone now tho, forbidden to achieve flight
travelling only by foot, on a quest for life
overcoming all obstacles, avoiding all strife

I'm Getting even closer now
the top is within my grasp
I'm finally here, I can rest at last
But just briefly, competition is on its way
the challenge is staying on top every second of everyday.

-the LIfe of a champion



well i have absolutely no way of expressing my emotions in here is my only outlet in life... if i tagged u please read.. if ididnt its cuzi ran outta tags i want the world to kno my feelings....

So you avoid me cuz i love , but i have love for all.
Your hate me cuz i'm nice, cuz i want to capture ur heart.
im not like the other men, yet u group me with the rest,
because you had so many bad experiences, so many failed tests.
I try to open up, tell you how i feel.
cuz I dont hold my tongue, i just speak how i feel.
I tell you that i care for you and that you make me smile.
that you give me motivation to do great things that make my life worthwhile.
So how is it that this is wrong? how can such a confession become such sin?
how is it that a man that feels has no chance to succeed?
Maybe i should be an ass, treats all whom i care for like ones i dont.
Maybe i shuld box my heart and soul, walking around heartless and cold.
With no feelings or emotions, just an vessel migrating through life with noone to care for, noone to hold.
Why is it have to be a 'nigga' just to be with the one i love.
you tell me that im jsut too nice but its cuz i never want to hurt you.
So in order to be with one who i care for, i have to be an ass.
i have to treat u like shit at first, be da 'hood nigga' that is portrayed in society.
you tell me that im not ur type, jsut like every other, since i cant become a puppet of this world, i refuse to become apart of such ignorance.
What society deems normal for a man like me is not my lifestyle, im not conforming to the whims of mankind.
I shall continue to be 'too nice' or whatever you claim it to be.
if this means that i shall forever be lonely then thats is the way its meant to be....

My heart is filled, but not how i imagined.
I feel sadness, despair, depression, and pain.
the burden is unbearable, my mind is going insane.
from the stress and the anguish that burdens my heart.
Ifeel each beat becoming harder and harder, like it wants to stop.
As my soul searches for a way to relieve all the depression in my heart.
But there is no easy way, and my heart just cant stop,
though the road is unclear i cant stop just because its rocky, jagged, and sharp.
Causing each step to hurt more than the last, each wrong choice piercing my heart.
So its filled with the battle scars of a 22 year long war.
not Physically but mentally as i developed in to the man that i am.
One of intelligence, wisdom, but still lacking where it counts.
troublesome situations confront me everyday, and the first think of is the safety of others,
if the decisions i make will affect my close ones.
Saving them while hurting me it seems I will never learn.
When i try to think fo me i still hurt myself, since it has become so foreign to me.
I cant seem to think of what's best for me.
no matter how i try i fail at this task.
I look into the depths of my heart and soul and continue to ask,
For the path that best suits meand i get not response.
So i continue to do as i feel which hurts me, leaving me partial, incomplete.
maybe Im destined to be the one to take on teh pain of all others.
At the expense of there happiness i feel the pain of my sorrow.
Hidden beneath the smiles and goofiness that i portray to them so well.
THey shall never see the pain that deep inside of me swells,
and kills me on the inside still burning like an open wound.
I continue to bear it in the face of others, because if they knew my pain and sadness it would destroy my soul.
Seeing the ones i love so happy allows me to control,
and contain this pain inside this vessel of mine.
this body i have blessed with the strengh to endure the pain of all others.
So i continue to live life pleasing others, hiding the pain that cannot be seen by any other.



rving life...
Looking from every angle like a prism in the light.
Unexplained anomalies occur in the blink of an eye
Variables remain unknown even to a mathematician’s eye
No equations to solve, no algorithms to try out
The complexities of this issue causes my brain to overload, burn out
This usually doesn’t happen, its out of the norm
For me, a sage to become bewildered by a predicament is considered bad form
Like a fencer perfects his swordplay, so now must I perfect my own.
Instead of a sword I wield a pen, a poet’s weapon of choice
Realizing my skills aren't perfected far from where I need to be
So I continue my training to further hone my technique
Constantly writing, motivations from the depths of my soul
Keeping my thoughts all together, maintaining complete control
Wandering thru life and absorbing every new experience
Trying not to lose focus, allowing all things to make sense
Thinking…Pondering….Understanding life,
Emanating from all angles like a prism reflects the light

Shrouded in darkness, yet embracing the light.
Evading the light’s shadow, the origin of all plight.
Traversing through the underworld, yet observing the heavens.
Living a life of constant struggles while protecting all humans.
Called many names, from vigilante to hero.
Loved yet despised the life of this superhero ‘zero.’
Too afraid to show his true face, to face his own fears.
So he compensates by saving others the pain of shedding tears
By keeping them eternally happy, never sad
Converting all of the angry into the glad
But his heart still feels empty, his heart still hidden behind this thick glass
Of hatred and despair, he feels that no one should care.
Isolated and confined in his own emotions, his lonely lair.
Trapped in his mind, yet concealing it from all
Fronting a face of happiness and joy, responding to every cry, beckon, and call
This is the life of an insecure hero, one how dares not impose his life upon another
Yet he cares so much they compel him to help all others.



I count down the days till my angel arrives in this land surrounding my lair
This place I live full of chaos and despair.
Where minds of evil and malice corrupt the pure and the fair.
She is the light of purity that drives away all stress and madness.
Covering me in her majestic wings cleans my heart of such sadness.
I await the return of my angel to my arms.
The one who keeps me warm and constantly safe from all harm.
Keeping me in her protective aura as if our beings were one.
If im hurt she hurt, the union of mind body and soul all in one.
I anticipate my angel’s arrival the time draws near,
The closer she gets the more she overpowers all fear.
I feel my angel is here right over my head
Keeping me happy and content, like a mother tucking a child in bed.
But my Angel is no mother nor is above my head
My angel arrive in front of me, my heart my soul, my love has arrived imp no longer sad.

Slow deep breaths are all I hear as I lay your body down on the memory foam right here.
Ever so faint is the moans u make, trying not to make a sound,
Every time I go inside you and begin to tease your body, mess with your mind.
Tight grips are all I feel as u hold on to me ever so tight,
As I continue to please your body, oh it feels so right.
Warm and wet is all what I feel as my body continues to explore your sacred grounds,
Showering me with your love as you rain tears of joy.
These sounds or love that you make need not form any words,
The language is universal when our bodies unite as one.
You need not tell me where you want it or speak of how it feels,
Our body language says it all so I know exactly how you feel.
The actions of intimacy can only be shown between us,
To express our love to each other as our bodies intertwine,
Showing each other that this feeling here is Sublime.

Enraptured by your essence, our vibes intertwine.
Tied together in this tropical jungle, our love vines.
Feeling out your frequency as I send out mine
Resonating with your soul, this feeling is one of a kind.
It can’t be explained in words or with sounds,
Rather yet we use our body language as express our love as we continue to mess around.
Time seems to stop as we explore the secrets of life,
Dwelling deep inside our bodies lays the answers to relieve all stress and strife.
We give each other energy as we traverse through each other’s souls,
Providing a never-ending passion that warms our unified bodies, blocking out the cold,
Feelings arise from our exploration, fortune finally found.
Still the exploration has yet to end
Unexplored areas need to be touched, passion still needed to expend.
Finally reaching the climax, the top of our love hill.
As you lay within my arms, my once empty soul finally becomes filled.


The further you go away, the weaker i feel.
Your my strength, my inspiraition, my power seal.
Your my sun and my moon, my heart and my soul.
when you're not around me i feel i've lost control.
You keep conversations so short, "hi", "hey", "wassup wit u" at the most.
Guess you're always too busy, your life no longer a coast.
You continue to distance yourself, causing me unphathomable pain.
Hurting me so much, I wish it would go away.
As time continues my heart shuts down unable to deal with the strife.
I'm an empty vessel, seems u stole my energy my life.
I'm an robot, devoid from all types of emotions.
No soul in anything i do, just going through the motions.
But the reality is that i am hurt inside beyond repair,
constantly hoping that the one i love will always be there .
- truth

The first time i say you my mind went blank,
My body had a meltdown as i tried to think.
Have i ever met a woman quite like you,
one as beautiful, intelligent, unique as you.
Your Physical attraction surpasses all others,
The coke-bottled body, truly blessed by your mother.
A face so beautiful that it illuminates seperate from the rest,
and your cute, soft, and supple breast.
But just to speak of your physical beauty would insult u , do no justice.
to inform this world of the woman who has me lusting.
Your mind is on level of a sage, always staying focused,
keeping me in check when i need it the most.
And you always keep me smiling, even when you dont try.
just hearing your angelic voice makes me glad to live this life.
Even when we dont speak you stay on my mind,
the thought of your existence keeps me willing to strive,
to be the best i can be and make you proud.
Hoping one day you will accept me as the man you find worthwhile.

Never thought I'd meet someone quite like you.
I envision my other half as i look at you.
As we look stare into each other's eyes i see myself in your soul,
and i feel as if your mind is slowly taking control.
Some would call me weak for letting you be the boss;
all that means is my win, there loss.
I dont feel ashamed to shop with you
to buy your clothes and to cook you food.
I dont mind giving you massages after a long day of stress
anything to please you baby, i wouldnt do any less
Because you're my special lady and i love you
You make me feel whole, my soul brand new.
my prayers where answered when you came into my life
You're my bestfriend, mi companera for life.
at times i'm a bit immaturem cold -hearted i admit that.
I acted like i didnt care when you needed me there.
now i understand that i need you in my life but you're
so far awaylife just doesnt seem right.
the only way to express myself now is to put it in words
because im mute without you all i do is write.

I'll be your strength when you're not strong.
My shoulder always here for you to lean on.
I'm your sun whenever you wanna shine
and i brighten your nights just call me your moonlight.
Whenever your mad ill be your stress reliefm
dont hold back i can take it all please believe.
When we chill i'll make sure you feel at home,
I'm your personal service my love you're never alone.
If you ever need pleasure im here for you too,
ill do watever you feel i need to do.
I'm a renaissance man in thei new era,
a jack of all trades and im at your disposal.
I'm truly lucky to have ever met you.
I'll feel so happy if you ever chose me boo.
I'll do m best to do right in your eyes,
My heart would just stop if i had to tell you a lie.
because i just want to be honest with you till the very end
Good or bad I'll always trust your judgement.
So here is my confession, my dedication to and love to you,
The final decision is yours baby feel free to choose.

Eternally lonely, yet never alone.
Surrounded by people, but that special one is gone.
Eternally lonely, yet never alone.
Just wishing the one i love would return back home.
Eternally lonely, yet nerver alone.
My hear is left in darkness, only her heart can brighten my own.
Eternally lonely, yet never alone.
feels like I live a half-life whenever i stand alone.
Eternally lonely, yet never alone.
Maybe the one i'm lookin for has been here all along
Eternally lonely, yet never alone.
She could be sitting in front me and i never would have known.
Eternally lonely, yet never alone.
I hope that she confronts me and tells me she's been feeling alone.
Eternally lonely, but i feel so alone.
Until she comes and confesses, i shall never be whole.
