Thursday, June 17, 2010


Honestly i dont think many people will like this one but i put everythin i write on my blog read and be honest with you feedback plz

Fuck it all, I’m tired of the bullshit
Pretending to be this nice man,
façade is so foolish;
Turning back to the man that I once was,
Who just didn’t give a fuck, no matter who it was
Time to start crushing innocent souls,
Causing their minds to fold;
Succumbing to the pressure that I no longer hold
Within, darkness has taken over
The sun has been eclipsed, it’s eternally black
No light in my heart now, no longer a crack
Just an empty vessel containing one emotion, anger
Everywhere I go I cause nothing but danger
And pain, chaos and anarchy set in
To all victims in my path that’s just how it is
Just avoid me if you can cuz I’m instilling fear
Inside ya souls, destroying all that you hold dear
The once kind being is gone, no longer to be used
Corrupted by the ones close, over-abused
Has subsided within and let the beast out
Watch ya back world I have no restraints I’m causing pain, it’s the only route.

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