Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hmm I can't think of a proper title but just read and submit ya thoughts and feedback

Corruption spreads so quickly, more common than the cold;
Society driven by money, their souls already sold; 
By the term "American dream" thinking success is the color green;
Minds becoming swayed, forming chaotic teams; 
That have no real loyalty, each one out for their own;
No ones back is safe, from infants till they're grown;
Small percentage catch on and protest, looking for peace;
Till sudden assassinations occur, scared man using his piece;
Out of fear of learning the truth, that he was controlled his whole life;
So the easiest way out is the eliminate any current strife;
Unbeknownst to him, however, he's played right in their hands;
The One chance for revolution ended with that young man;
Hope will not be lost however, faith still lingers around;
Somewhere a being searches for truth, no longer mentally bound.

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