Thursday, June 3, 2010

poetry session

here are two new additions to my collection... please give me ur feed back i would like to know what u guys think

Girl I need u to keep me focus, cuz im slowly falling astray

Time moving too fast for me so there no time to play.

Need to get on my grind and keep progressing, reaching for the top

Always climbing above all others for that number one spot

But I need u by my side to keep my mind from dozing off

Wandering in the abyss of my thoughts never know when ideas will pop

Out of my head now im so sporadic,

Never moving with the normal flow of life my movements are erratic

But it’s cool cuz when you here you know just what ima do

The only female to predict my words before I say em, something I can’t do

Keeping me amazed at your focus and resolve,

Motivation to become better, so each puzzle of life I solve

You’re like my sun in the daytime and my moon at Night …

Keeping the light shining on me never out the spotlight.

It’s amazing that I found someone as right as you

Someone who can keep me from doing like other niggas do

Stay on my #gentlemen flow always ever so proper

Because of your influence I’ve matured

Becoming a better man from your support how you’ve nurtured

Me from this reckless boy to this responsible man

Doing the things that a mother cant

So I thank you for being here, being by my side.

You’re my baby, my love, my ride or die.


As time goes on, we all go our separate ways

Pursuing our careers, our goals, our dreams start to give shape

To reality and we conform to whatever lifestyle’s best

To achieve these things and we lose some friends in the process

But with the loss of one comes another, time never stops

Hearts keep on beating in tune with our internal clock

So we continue to push forward, surpassing the past’s limits

Doing the unthinkable no longer shy or timid

Now the aggressor in life, taking initiative

To start things without question, thinking of ideas

To create new inventions for the world

No longer afraid to fail has caused so much progression

Succeeding so much but something still is missing

A whole inside that causing a gaping feeling in your heart

Forever lonely, no companion here to be apart

Of your accomplishments, everything seems so pointless

Suddenly motivation gone and your left hopeless

Time has not slowed down u missed out on so much time,

Passing up opportunities to find the one u need

To support you as the decline starts to ensue

Now confused, no longer sure of what to do

In a state of melancholy, despair is setting in

Thoughts of what could be start running through,

And you mind starts to overload from all this damn depression

One could only wonder “what if?” as you sit and ponder.

All u do is continue to write, another poetry lesson in session

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