Friday, October 3, 2014


This one is probably one of my favorites I just wrote I hope you enjoy and join the cause:

One step below the danger zone before the day has even begun; 
Mentally abused for years, no longer wiling to run;
"Everyone is against him" is what the mind starts to chant,
"I'm so tired of it all" says the heart at it continues to pant;
The body feels the stress from the mind and heart;
So naturally it reacts to the pain and starts;
To unload the chaos, the rage within;
Violence begins as he explodes randomly , unannounced ;
So many casualties now lie in sight;
The body finally slows downs after hours of fight ;
The mind stops the chant and the hearts stop its pant;
Silence is all that remains now, not one single rant;
The heart is so exhausted and shocked by such devastation,
The mind now appeased by the revenge, satisfaction, elation;
The body now shuts down, no longer a will to live ;
All caused by the bullying, no one chose to forgive.


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