Friday, April 24, 2015

Dear america

This is something new but let me know how you like it,

Dear America,
    What’s going on? I have this weird feeling you may want me gone.
 Each day my beautiful home feels so estranged,
Like I'm being evicted from this country, this has to change.
 I thought this was home of the free, land of the brave,
Yet each day someone else is sent home, land of the grave.
You call it self-defense, but where was the struggle?
Do these deaths amuse you, are we your jesters just meant to juggle;
For you entertainment or pleasure? It’s just so unfair.
Each day brings about so much despair,
Yet you don't care because we're just a 'color'.
Random black faces to dispose of, a dying culture. 
But I still hold faith, a dying light.
That one day the pain will end our welcome once again in sight.
For those ones you classify as African American, the "absorbers of light"