Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hmm I can't think of a proper title but just read and submit ya thoughts and feedback

Corruption spreads so quickly, more common than the cold;
Society driven by money, their souls already sold; 
By the term "American dream" thinking success is the color green;
Minds becoming swayed, forming chaotic teams; 
That have no real loyalty, each one out for their own;
No ones back is safe, from infants till they're grown;
Small percentage catch on and protest, looking for peace;
Till sudden assassinations occur, scared man using his piece;
Out of fear of learning the truth, that he was controlled his whole life;
So the easiest way out is the eliminate any current strife;
Unbeknownst to him, however, he's played right in their hands;
The One chance for revolution ended with that young man;
Hope will not be lost however, faith still lingers around;
Somewhere a being searches for truth, no longer mentally bound.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Here's one I just finished this am .. Let me know what you think 

Wandering thoughts occupy my time;
Random ideas of tranquility seem so sublime;
Yet I'm distraught, confused about my current path;
And what compels me to continue to live the way I do;
Is it insanity that drives me to come back to you? 
I'm not sure what to do but I know that I will not run away;
I'll solve this mystery some arbitrary way;
Until Then, I'm stuck in this continuous while loop;
No end in site every answer leads back to another im stuck on this stoop;
Trying to find the error and debug my current program ;
Help is nowhere to be found feels like I'm stuck halfway in the ground;
Buried alive by my thoughts accumulating uncontrollably;
A cancerous growth of theories with no test or resolution To save me;
Each minute passes and I feel myself losing control;
Should I talk to you and start to unload ?
No way that's homicide you cant  handle the Mind that is B.jones ;
All I can do is keep pushing and one day the answer will come till then I journey alone.



This one is probably one of my favorites I just wrote I hope you enjoy and join the cause:

One step below the danger zone before the day has even begun; 
Mentally abused for years, no longer wiling to run;
"Everyone is against him" is what the mind starts to chant,
"I'm so tired of it all" says the heart at it continues to pant;
The body feels the stress from the mind and heart;
So naturally it reacts to the pain and starts;
To unload the chaos, the rage within;
Violence begins as he explodes randomly , unannounced ;
So many casualties now lie in sight;
The body finally slows downs after hours of fight ;
The mind stops the chant and the hearts stop its pant;
Silence is all that remains now, not one single rant;
The heart is so exhausted and shocked by such devastation,
The mind now appeased by the revenge, satisfaction, elation;
The body now shuts down, no longer a will to live ;
All caused by the bullying, no one chose to forgive.


Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hmmm here's a new mini poem I wrote let me know what you all think :

Perfection is all I see,
 Each day I see you and I wonder how it came to be;
The love I feel for you overflows beyond any measure;
Your presence brings my mind body and soul vast amounts of pleasure;
To explain when I fell in love with you is still a mystery;
Solving this would take an eternity, maybe three;
But that's fine with me, since I need no real explanation;
All I know is my heart has found its final destination;
My mind, so complex continues to search for a reason why;
But the heart pulls it aside and reassures him not to try;
It's so simple, love has no direct course or path , it's not pre-determined;
It can't be predicted of planned, For its never contained;
Just know that it's here and we have to love and embrace each and every moment.
So with this all being said just know that I love you..